Monday, December 28, 2009

Random Costuming and Practice

I have been on and off working on 2 gowns that I plan to make in silk in the future. I thought I would practice with the cotton and maybe have a couple of day dress type know for events that *one day* will take place? Speaking of....I would really like to join or start a reenacting group for 18th century Rococo events in Texas. Extensive web browsing has turned up not a whole lot of anything for my area. There is a Jane Austen Society of North Texas that I will look into but for Rococo/Georgian... zilch. I just need to start traveling! hehe! I'm imagining something like the SCA set in the 18th century. Anyone interested in joining my "Court" may simply send me a letter.

Back to the on going projects:
Exhibit A:
My first Robe a la Francaise... in Cotton...I sort of got carried away and did a stomacher and a bit of trimming. I will eventually clean it up *hem and add flounces* I also don't have this laced in the back of the dress which is making a big difference in the over all fit. Also needs more petticoats...I like a big full skirt! :) I do like the general decor of the boned stomacher but I want to make it more narrow. You can see how loose the over all fit is...ick. I will be making the "formal" Robe a la Francaise in a gold/butter silk so I will keep this stomacher and make a matching petticoat with the same red fabric. These colors would have been nice if I had a costumed Christmas event to attend. Oh and ixnay on the bows (they are the pins that are keeping it together right now)
...well hello there!...J was in a hurry lol...The back pleating doesn't look so hot in the picture but its actually not too bad.

Exhibit B:
Robe a la polonaise with en fourreau pleated back
eh... its a work in progress. Will probably end up in a pretty stripey silk blend I have.
I kind of like this print with the blue petticoat :)

Also pictures to come of the Riding Habit that I HAVE to finish in the next two weeks!

19th Century on Hold

Due to working my *real job* till much too late at night, I was unable to finish the dress for the event on Dec 12th...Which unfortunately worked out for the best because something else came up a few days before that I couldn't get out of either. It was actually coming along nicely. In this pic the skirt panels are just pinned up there. I also have the sleeves ready to go. I was waiting on trim which I purchased last Saturday (along with a green velvet for a riding habit (as I stare at the shelves of unused fabrics)) Anywho, I will finish this lady of a dress *soon* for any other 19th century/civil war events. Won't hurt to have it handy.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

More Time!

Good news...The meet up for the Victorian Holiday gathering is going to be on Dec 12th.! An extra week to sew! Yippeee! I have all the pieces cut and have started sewing the bodice....more to come. BTW it snowed something beautiful this morning here in Texas! Big huge snowflakes! It actually stayed on the ground for a few hours too :) Made the drive to work well worth it. That's my cat at the top "Mr. Kitten Cuddles" :))

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Not so Rococo 1860's Dress Project

I will need to complete this project in the next 2 weeks in preparation for an event Dec 5th. It will be an 1860s gown for a Christmas event in the Historical District. I just quickly went out and purchased a pattern and faux silk taffeta from Joann's. As usual I was saddened by the assortment of fabric (not sure if I will make it to the fabric warehouse this weekend). I was hoping for a red or green low luster taffeta of some sort but settled on a maroon and black plaid type. I haven't bought the trim yet. I'm not a big fan of fringe but will probably give in and get some on Saturday. I was hoping to make it a little more Christmasy in some way...hmmm...... I am additionally excited about this event because my sweet fiance said he would come in costume!!!! Unfortunately I don't think I will have time to make him something from scratch so I think I will make a stop at goodwill this week. I will probably alter a vest and coat to make it more period appropriate. Last things to look for: Possible corset on ebay and a top hat for my sweet. YAY!!!!

Upcoming Project

Riding Habit

If time permits I would like to make a riding habit. The plan is to make a trip home and ride one of my Mother's horses. This will only be doable in the winter EARLY Spring in Texas. After March/April forget it. There is no way I'm riding around in a velvet jacket and corset in July!

More to come!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

DFWCG 18th century picnic

Here at last! Though I'm getting over being sick this last week I wasn't about to miss the picnic. Its the first official 18th century event that I have been to. It was held at the Botanical Gardens, which were beautiful, and the event was lots of fun. Overall I was pleased with my outfit..Everyone looked stunning to say the least. I learned a nice country dance (though we had a music malfunction and had to cut the dancing short). It was a pleasant afternoon with beautiful weather and happy people. A+ day. Enjoy:::

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Picnic Caraco Progress

So the last two days I have been working from home...sick. I also haven't done much sewing which unfortunately isn't an excuse only being sick two days. The truth is I haven't picked up my picnic caraco for almost 2 weeks. This has presented a problem as the picnic is SATURDAY!!!! I still have shoes to decorate and a hat!!!! what to do!!!!... Here is the most recent progress. I have actually been HAND SEWING the trim!!! The hand sewing is not sew bad and actually quite relaxing :) So the next two nights I will be gradually finishing. In the true spirit of procrastination I will probably have to work on the shoes and hat Saturday morning (yay hot glue!)

Sunday, November 1, 2009


We went to a few costumed parties last night...I wore one of the first dresses that I ever made. I wore a petticoat that was a bit longer than the underskirt so it kept showing :( but that's okay :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Wig

So during the first part of The Aristocrats (BBC) I played with a new wig that I got...Because I was so busy looking at the fabulous movie and fumbling with the wig I didn't snap any pictures. I am going to buy the wig in a different color and redo with a tutorial. It was actually fairly easy and it turned out pretty dang good!!! I think I will powder it for a final touch. I think it may be a little geisha looking in the front view and it has bangs. Any suggestion in what should be done with the bangs?
Right Side: Back:

Left Side (need to make the curls a little larger to match the right):

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Aristocrats

!I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! Just got The Aristocrats in the mail through NetFlix. One of three discs so I will have to wait to get the rest :( I've had it on que for a while but someone *ahem my Johnny* had to bump it back a few times.....But here it is!!! So I'm off to sew and watch. YIPPEE!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pink Picnic Caraco Trim

Tonight I started on the trim for the Picnic Caraco. I took left over pink taffeta and pinked the edges.

I then pinned them down in skinny box pleats.

Right now they are just pinned to the jacket to get an idea of what it will look like.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Virtual Costuming

A few things I've made in Secondlife:

Monday, October 5, 2009

Caraco Crazy!!!

Future Projects:
Both of these are on my project list:

Ok I have a certain obsession with caracos lately. Don't ask me why because I don't have an answer lol! Here is the floral cotton print I did few weeks ago (needs some ironing):
Here is the current project for the DFWCG 18th century picnic next month. I'm using a pink/purple/white floral print for the Jacket and the skirt is in pink taffeta with a satin finish.

Ignore the pink wrap around the neck lol...That will be a bow or something...still contemplating trim ideas...any suggestions???