Monday, December 28, 2009

19th Century on Hold

Due to working my *real job* till much too late at night, I was unable to finish the dress for the event on Dec 12th...Which unfortunately worked out for the best because something else came up a few days before that I couldn't get out of either. It was actually coming along nicely. In this pic the skirt panels are just pinned up there. I also have the sleeves ready to go. I was waiting on trim which I purchased last Saturday (along with a green velvet for a riding habit (as I stare at the shelves of unused fabrics)) Anywho, I will finish this lady of a dress *soon* for any other 19th century/civil war events. Won't hurt to have it handy.


  1. That's beautiful! There are always plenty of Victorian events around here. I'm sure you'll find plenty of excuses to wear it next year.
