Monday, October 5, 2009

Caraco Crazy!!!

Future Projects:
Both of these are on my project list:

Ok I have a certain obsession with caracos lately. Don't ask me why because I don't have an answer lol! Here is the floral cotton print I did few weeks ago (needs some ironing):
Here is the current project for the DFWCG 18th century picnic next month. I'm using a pink/purple/white floral print for the Jacket and the skirt is in pink taffeta with a satin finish.

Ignore the pink wrap around the neck lol...That will be a bow or something...still contemplating trim ideas...any suggestions???


  1. Well you certainly won't get lost in the woods in that, not for long anyway.
    Its um bright!
    Regards, Le loup.

  2. LOL yes very bright! and cheery! The picnic won't be in the woods but it will save the search party some time hehe.
