Saturday, April 10, 2010

NEW BLOG::: Fashions of Time

Please note that I will be moving my blog and will start posting from this point on at : . I wanted to use a different email address plus I hope to start posting more from different eras. The majority will still be 18th century postings, as it is my very favorite time period. If you currently follow me here please add me there...and if your are not currently following me...why aren't you following me? hehe

I just posted something from the Renaissance Fair so take a peek!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Duke of Hardgove's Outfit

Current project: His Grace's much needed outfit. Not sure on the trimming yet. It will probably be something with more white and gold. The waistcoat is actually a shimmery gold demask of some sort. The coat is maroon velvet. Will post progress over the next few days.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cord Riding Habit- Don't Laugh

Ok it's still a work in progress. Buttons will be added and top stitching needs to be done. It could really use a good ironing ;) Just wanted to share the progress...And my new shoes!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bad Blogger

Ok I know....I'm a bad bad blogger. I haven't even posted riding habit pictures. Sad to say we were unable to ride when I made my trip home. (it rained all weekend :( ) Pictures will come soon. I have just been terribly busy. My wedding is in one week!!!! So I have been focusing sewing and costuming energy into wedding to-dos. I have had a chance to read a few blogs and catch up on everyone.

P.S. my green velvet riding habit is turning in to the known redingote above

I shall return in a few weeks :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

A Wonderful New Year to YOU!

I wanted to wish you all a blessed year in 2010.

J and I had quite a New Year celebration. We drove to Oklahoma to see the Flaming Lips in concert. J had not seen them before so he was super excited...and of course the band did not disappoint. I like music...J LOVES a concert I tend to notice the visual aspect more than the music. Comes from being a visual person rather than an auditory person I suppose. Of course there was plenty to see!!! (see pics below)
I have big year ahead of me that I am gladly looking forward to!

1. March will bring my wedding! From there forth I will be "Madame H."
...says in a giddy girl giggle....

2. I am seriously going to continue my education.

3. I have to really get myself in gear to start my own business.

4. HOUSE: Must have...looking into buying but will probably lease

and of course costuming projects:

1. Two 18th century riding habits: I was planning on a maroon velvet. That has changed to green (due to me wanting to use the maroon velvet for another caraco). The second riding habit is for my mother (who owns the horses and ask for one lol...much to my surprise)

2. J's 18th century ensemble: Breeches, Shirt, Waistcoat, and Frock

3. New Shift

4. New Stays

5. Renaissance Gown for me and something for J.

6. Gold Silk Robe a la Francaise

7. Two of these three French Court Dresses from fashion plates I can't stop staring at!

8. Finish two polonaises (the cotton print and the same in stripe silk)